Monday, November 7, 2016

The Difference Between Freedom and License

I was looking through a history book of Chalfont, created by Mary Jane Clemens and published in April of 1977.

I will be sharing interesting facts from the book - as it is a fascinating look at the early days of Chalfont.

I was very moved by "The Patriot's Primer" written in the book. Very simple, but very powerful.

“Believe in Freedom and Independence for our Nation under God. Pledge full allegiance to “Old Glory” – to the liberty and justice for all that it represents. Be vigilant for its keeping. Know the difference between freedom and license.

I had to look up the word license as it is applied in that sentence. I realized it must have meant something a bit different in 1977 the way it was referenced in that line.

And this is what I discovered: 
Freedom and license must not be confused: freedom embraces responsibility and is guided by reason and virtue; license is choice without restraint; irresponsibility.
It's not my fault. I don't recall. I wasn't aware.

Freedom is an acceptance of a wide range of behavior, as long as it is compatible with the common good; people should be allowed to choose freely how they want to live.
Freedom is taking responsibility for our actions.
Freedom, within the context of mutual respect, leads to independent and energetic action. This is 
preferable to forced conformity. It is good for individuals and the community. If I can choose to become a teacher or a doctor or an entrepreneur rather than being forced into a job, I will be happier in my work and more likely to succeed. This benefits me, but it also benefits the community. Of course, freedom is not an absolute: if my free action seriously violates the common good, it should not be permitted.
Freedom is a positive force in many areas. In writing a paper for an English class, a certain independence in choosing the topic and method helps the learning process. A coach gives her athletes a degree of freedom to make decisions in a game, and new situations will arise that demand creative solutions. In government, the freedom to vote gives people a stake in their future. In all of these examples, self-discipline and responsibility are required if the freedom is to be successful.

"Freedom refers to self-determination....
To the extent that we can determine
for ourselves who we shall be,
we are responsible for our lives."
Germain Grisez and Russell Shaw
Beyond the New Morality

License is the throwing off of all responsibility. It is a carte blanche to do as we feel. As such, it is incompatible with virtue and destroys community.
License leads to reckless and dangerous action. On the personal level, license leads to moral chaos. If my actions are based merely on whim or the impulse of the moment, they are unpredictable, even to me. On the social level, license leads to anarchy — the lack of all dedication to the common good. This is obviously bad for the community, but license is also bad for those who exercise it. I strive to be free from responsibility rather than to be free to take charge of my life.

License can cause damage in the very places where freedom enriches. If license rules in choosing topic and method, an English paper might not even remotely relate to English. Athletes cannot succeed in a sport by acting on mere whim, for each sport requires discipline, and team sports demand a high degree of cooperation. If the members of a society, if politicians, ignore all restrictions of law, that society will not survive. License abandons personal responsibility and so loses the creative energy and success of freedom.

"None can love freedom heartily
but good men; the rest love
not freedom but license."
John Milton
Tenure of kings and Magistrates

And so, I remind myself that I must be vigilant and, much like Ben Franklin did, remind myself to do all things in moderation. And to stay aware and alert and active to what is happening in Chalfont. To make sure those in charge are not acting with abandonment and for self serving enrichment.

Who profits from the surrender of reason and liberty? Politicians.

In an endless sea of distractions, let us not forget those who worked so hard to make Chalfont a charming, cheerful community!

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